Wednesday 19 November 2014

Lecture- 1 Passive Voice Introduction

Dear students,
You might have heard "Active Voice" "Passive Voice" before we get through the rules and regulation of it. Let's me Ask you

What does "Active" means?
Yes, You are very right, The Word active means "Quick, Ajile. In Urdu we can say it as پھرتیلا"

Let me Ask you 
What does "Passive" means?
Indeed, Passive is the antonym of Active, It means "Lazy, Indolent. In Urdu we can say it as سست، کاہل، مریل"

As we have understood these two terms, Let me introduce to you one more word.

"Voice" it means to utter with the resonance of vocal cords 

or in farther meanings, it can be used as intonation, which means "The rise and fall of voice in speaking"

Now we can easily understand, "Active Voice" is the way, when someone speaks sharply, confidently and certain about the subject (Doer of the action).

While "Passive Voice" is the way, when the tone of a person is humble and he is so much concerned about  Object(the receiver of the action).

Let me quote some examples.

1- you left me alone 

 Concerned about doer of the action. Subject is addressed sharply, with confidence.

2- I was left alone

Concerned about the receiver of the action. The Tone is humble.

It means.
When we have doer of the action important we address it with active voice.

when we have receiver of the action important we address it with Passive Voice.

As we have clarified these two terms and their usage, Let us learn about their transformation

Active to Passive
........ coming soon

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