Friday 7 November 2014

Lesson "Khyber Pass" Probable Questions



Sindh text   book board, Jamshoro

Khyber Pass

1.      What is the Khyber Pass and how long is it? 2012,2011, 2010
2.      Where do we go through the Khyber Pass?
3.      When did Aryan cross the Khyber Pass?
4.      How many times did the Mehmood Ghaznavi cross the Khyber Pass and Why?
5.      Has the Khyber Pass been used as a trade route?
6.      What did the camel caravan carry from India?
7.      What did the Camel caravans bring back from the countries of South Asia?
8.      By what the camel caravans been replaced?
9.      Where did the boys stop on their way to the Khyber Pass and why?
10.  Who lives in the mountain of the Khyber Pass and what did they do?
11.  Which is the highest pass along the pass?2012, 2010
12.  What is “Torkham” and what did Bilal and his friends see at “Torkham”?
13.  What did the boys think when they stood at the hills of the Khyber Pass?
14.  Why did the tribesmen breakup the parts of the railway line laid by the British government in 1925 and why do they not do so?
15.  What is the historical importance of the Khyber Pass? 2009,
16.  What cities are situated on either side of the Khyber Pass?
17.  How are the houses built along the road to the Khyber Pass and why?
18.   What famous places fall on the way to Khyber Pass from Peshawar and their distance from each other?
·         Peshawar > 14km- Jamrod Check-post> 13 Km-Landi Kotal> 10 Km - Torkham

19.  What famous conquers / invaders passed through the Khyber Pass to enter sub-continent?

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